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Brief Notes on Probability

· One min read
Software Engineer

Please visit my Digital Notes page which contain a more updated reproduction and expansion of this article.

This is a brief writeup of some of my notes on how to calculate probabilities.


P(AB)P(A \cap B) \rightarrow The probability of A AND B

P(AB)P(A \cup B) \rightarrow The probability of A OR B

P(AB)P(A | B) \rightarrow The conditional probability of A given B

Javascript Asynchronicity Patterns

· 18 min read
Software Engineer

In this article, we discuss asynchronicity in Javascript, its evolution over time, and some of the patterns for dealing with various asynchronous challenges. We'll discuss callbacks, promises, and the present-day async/await approach to asynchronicity and when and how each of these are relevant in modern applications.

Battery Basics

· 6 min read
Software Engineer

This article introduces some of the basic concepts of batteries with particular applications for hobby-level small aircraft projects and similar. My aim for this article is to supplement my students' research for their senior design projects and provide an introductory walkthrough of the topic.