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13 posts tagged with "engineering"

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· 8 min read
Josh Kaplan

I've been using TypeScript more and more lately. And I don't like it. I've found that I spend more time fixing type mismatch errors than I save by having a strongly typed variant of JavaScript. However, I am commonly in the minority opinion among my teams. In this article, I'll explore why that is, how to better leverage TypeScript's typing system rather than treating like annotations on top of Javascript, and I'll go through some hands-on examples based on a few real-world cases we recently encountered.

· 6 min read
Josh Kaplan

In preparation for our upcoming pilot bootcamp, I've been working on a few programming challenges. Since we're challenging our bootcamp participants to learn a new language as part of this effort, I thought I'd do the same and finally begin exploring Rust.

· 18 min read
Josh Kaplan

In this article, we discuss asynchronicity in Javascript, its evolution over time, and some of the patterns for dealing with various asynchronous challenges. We'll discuss callbacks, promises, and the present-day async/await approach to asynchronicity and when and how each of these are relevant in modern applications.

· 4 min read
Josh Kaplan

Despite the wide adoption of modern agile practices, formal engineering requirements remain important in many organizations. Formal requirements are often defined early in a project (i.e. before design and implementation), though they often evolve throughout the product lifecycle. They are important because project and industries that define formal requirements specifications tend to hold engineering teams accountable to meeting those requirements. Formal requirements can derive from industry regulation and compliance standards such as FAA regulations, FCC requirements, NIST cybersecurity standards, HIPPA compliance, PCI standards, etc. or be defined by engineering teams in collaboration with customers to capture project-specific constraints.

· 5 min read
Josh Kaplan

I wanted to put together a collection of engineering and technical resources. I'll make this post an ongoing project and update it as I find new things. For now, I'll post an initial list of resources I've used and I'll add more as I remember or discover them.