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2 posts tagged with "team dynamics"

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· 5 min read
Josh Kaplan

This article discusses some of the factors that contribute to project success and what you as an individual team member can do to influence that success. When I began writing this article, I intended it as a guide for my undergraduate senior design teams. As such, some of the examples below are aimed at that context.

· One min read
Josh Kaplan

The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle breaks down the detailed behaviors found in the cultures of high performing teams. Throughout the book, Coyle uses specific examples across multiple industries to show how belonging cues drive effectiveness of teams.

One of my biggest takeaways from the book is the importance of making people feel like a valued part of the team and the role that minute social interactions play in that feeling of belonging. As a leader, the ability to show vulnerability and admit your own mistakes sends a powerful message to the team that this is a safe place to make mistakes, learn, and improve, setting up a culture of psychological safety.