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11 posts tagged with "UCF"

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· 5 min read
Josh Kaplan

This article discusses some of the factors that contribute to project success and what you as an individual team member can do to influence that success. When I began writing this article, I intended it as a guide for my undergraduate senior design teams. As such, some of the examples below are aimed at that context.

· 6 min read
Josh Kaplan

This article introduces some of the basic concepts of batteries with particular applications for hobby-level small aircraft projects and similar. My aim for this article is to supplement my students' research for their senior design projects and provide an introductory walkthrough of the topic.

· 4 min read
Josh Kaplan

Despite the wide adoption of modern agile practices, formal engineering requirements remain important in many organizations. Formal requirements are often defined early in a project (i.e. before design and implementation), though they often evolve throughout the product lifecycle. They are important because project and industries that define formal requirements specifications tend to hold engineering teams accountable to meeting those requirements. Formal requirements can derive from industry regulation and compliance standards such as FAA regulations, FCC requirements, NIST cybersecurity standards, HIPPA compliance, PCI standards, etc. or be defined by engineering teams in collaboration with customers to capture project-specific constraints.