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Useful Technical Resources

· 5 min read
Josh Kaplan

I wanted to put together a collection of engineering and technical resources. I'll make this post an ongoing project and update it as I find new things. For now, I'll post an initial list of resources I've used and I'll add more as I remember or discover them.


Software Engineering / Computer Science

  • CS50x - An excellent course from Harvard available on edX. The Harvard site is here. Provides a strong and broad introduction to computer science.
  • 6.00.1x - An introductory programming/computer science course from MIT available on edX.
  • C++ Reference - A great reference resource for C and C++.
Technical Computing
  • MATLAB Help - The official MATLAB documentation. This about as good documentation as you'll find for a programming language.
  • GNU Octave - A free and open source equivalent of MATLAB.
  • Julia - A high performance numerical computing language.
Computer Security
  • Reflections on Trusting Trust - Ken Thompson's Turing Award lecture on the idea of trust in computing. To me, this paper defines the fundamental concepts of computer security and demonstrates the mindset needed to evaluate the security of a product.
  • CVE Details - A reference for computer vulnerabilities.
  • MIT Computer Systems Security - A well-engineered course from MIT on computer security.
Online IDE's
  • Cloud 9 - This is a really solid online IDE.
  • TutorialsPoint CodingGround - Another online IDE that basically gives you a containerized Linux machine. Surprisingly good tool.
  • - An online interpreter that supports a number of programming languages. Not as full featured as some of the above, but it's simple and easy to use.
Assembly Code

Electrical / Computer Engineering

  • JADE Sandbox - The JADE Sandbox is a circuit and logic gate simulator. It's great for playing around with circuit design and digital systems. It is also open source and can be run yourself quite easily. The source code is kept on GitHub
  • This Online Circuit Simulator is a web-based circuit simulator. It is based on the earlier Falstad simulator.
  • WikiChip - A useful resource for computer engineering information.


  • MIT OpenCourseWare - Free course from MIT.
  • Open Yale Course - Free courses available from Yale.
  • Wolfram Alpha - A computational knowledge engine. Just try it.
  • NASA Open Source - A collection of open source software from NASA.
  • OpenMCT - An open source mission control platform from NASA. It's written in JavaScript and works well out of the box. It seems to be quite extensible to accommodate custom systems.
  • Stellarium is a free and open source planetarium software package. It's provides a neat and easy way to explore astronomy regardless of weather or expensive equipment.