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Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Fine-Grained Permission
  • MFA
  • PCI Compliant

Principle of Least Privilege: Granting only the permissions required to perform the necessary operations.

  • Reduces the impact of compromised credentials


Users: An individual entity with a defined username. Note, entity does not necessarily mean a human. It could be a service or application.

Access Types:

  • AWS Management Console Access
  • Programmatic Access (Access Key and Secret Key)
Best practice

Create an IAM user for yourself, give admin access, and use that account rather than the root account.


Groups: A collection of IAM users. Groups can have policies attached.


Roles: An IAM identity that has specific permissions associated with it. Roles can be assumed by other entities.


Policies: A set of permissions associated with an IAM identity. Policies can be attached to users, groups, and roles.

A set of permissions:

  • Effect
  • Action
  • Resource

Managed vs. Inline Policies

Managed Policies

  • Standalone
  • Only assignable to identities, not resources
  • Assignable to users, groups, roles
  • Reusable across entities

Inline Policies

  • Embedded in the target user/group/role
  • Not resuable

Customer Managed vs. AWS Managed Policies

Customer Managed

  • Created by you

AWS Managed

  • Created and managed by Amazon, not editable

Policy Assignment


  • Assigned to users/groups/roles
  • Specifies what X can do


  • Assigned to resources, e.g. S3 bucket
  • Specifies who can access and what they can do

Default Policies

Everything in AWS is deny by default.

Best Practices

  • Regularly review and update IAM policies
  • Enable AWS CloudTrail for auditing and monitoring
  • Use IAM roles for EC2 instances and AWS services
  • Rotate access keys and other credentials regularly
  • Use groups for easier management of IAM users
  • Enable MFA
  • Create strong password policies (you can create custom policies)
  • Implement principle of least privilege